While some people collect coins, bottle caps, baseball cards... whatever, I collect swimsuits. How boring is it to see everyone in the same generic brands? Roxy, Oneill, Volcom...
I still have many suits in these brands, I just like to spice it up a bit.
Some of my latest finds:
Lisa Lozano Sunny Days Bikini

Hot Tuna Ombre Bikini

Modern Amusement Sunrise Bikini
These are just to name a few...
If anyone else has some sexy different swim suits be sure to post the links!
BTW if you click the pictures it takes you to the site :)
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Scarfs made of light-weight fabric are all the rage this summer. Personally I don't get it.. It is hot enough during the summer time. However I have liked the style on some people...
Love it or hate it?
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This summer is becoming fierce and flirty with the current gladiator trend. We love this trend becuase it really mixes an outfit up. It adds a bit of a masculine touch to the traditional girly outfit and it has a super sexy outcome. This particular style looks the best when you show a little more skin than usual. The more exaggerated the style the higher the hem line. These sandals come in all kinds of heights and shapes.
For a more exaggerated style try Steve Madden's "Ancient" Sandal $139.95
I have these sandals and I love them. They look great with everything!
For a more subtle style try Sam Edelman's "Gilda" Sandal $84.95
So if you don't mind a zebra tan on your feet this summer you should definately look into this trend. There are cheaper alternatives avaliable as well. Just the other day I saw a simple silver pair at shoe carnival for under $20.00!
Anyone else loving this trend?
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Over sized sunglasses or the Bug-eye look do more than look fabulous. They give off a mysterious, secretive, sexy look and protect from sun damage, pre-mature wrinkling, and disguising tired eyes. Celebrities wear them in attempt to hide from the paparazzi, but they end up drawing more attention to themselves because of the exaggerated style.
So if you are going to wear them.. wear them right!
When shopping for your perfect pair keep in mind that bright colored frames are a must for this summer.
We love Vonzipper's Alotta sunglasses
for $130.00 Perfect for summer!
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(Volcom's Handlooms Shorts and Wet Seal)
What's not to love about more skin?
Tips to keep in mind when wearing short shorts:
* Balance is Key! If you have super short shorts opt for a more covering top.
* Dress them up! By adding some heels and a large hand bag you can completely transform an outfit from beach to chic.
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(Volcom Girls, Hurley, RVCA)
Flowy and flirty makes a perfect combination. These dresses are absolutely perfect for everyday activity and they make awesome swimsuit cover-ups.
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Expensive: $2,485.00 Blumarine
Not: $24.99 Urban Outfitters
WHY WE LOVE IT: Because sequins can be dressed up or dressed down. They are perfect for any occasion. If you can't afford to break the bank go for a cheaper alternative. We like Urban Outfitters Kimchi & Blue Sequin Armhole Tunic.